book confirm train ticket

ट्रेन टिकट पर लिखा 5 डिजिट का यह नंबर देता है कई बड़ी जानकारियां, जान लीजिए फायदे में रहेंगे

Submitted by webmaster on Fri, 10/07/2022 - 09:30
If you also travel in the train, then this news is your big work. Today here we are telling you about a big rule related to train tickets and travel. Have you ever noticed the 5 digit number on a train ticket? This 5 digit number present on your ticket gives you many big information. This number tells you where you are going and where you are coming from. Not only this, this number also tells you the status and category of the train. Let us explain how this 5 digit number can tell all this.
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ट्रेन टिकट पर लिखा 5 डिजिट का यह नंबर देता है कई बड़ी जानकारियां, जान लीजिए फायदे में रहेंगे
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